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Nutrition is a huge part of any wellness program, and the good news
is, you’re going to get to eat good food during the 24-Day Challenge!
We focus on a large variety of lean proteins, vegetables and complex carbohydrates as well as a variety of snacks. Use the 24-Day Challenge™ Daily Guide as your one-stop reference for nutrition, supplementation, water intake and exercise throughout the Challenge.

What’s in the Daily Guide?

  • Water & Food Portion Recommendations
    Hydration is key in any weight management program and it is important to have sensible portion sizes.
  • Daily Checklists
    We have included a convenient checklist for each day of the challenge that makes it easy to keep track of when to take your supplements, how much water you’re drinking, what exercise you are doing, and suggests what foods are recommended at each meal.
  • Food Suggestions
    This isn’t a fad diet that eliminates entire food groups. Instead, our food suggestions revolve around a well-balanced diet of lean proteins, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and other snack items such as healthy fats, fruits, dairy, and AdvoCare products.

The information found in the Daily Guide is merely a guideline and not a definitive list of what can and cannot be consumed on the 24-Day Challenge™. As always, please consult your healthcare provider before making any dietary or fitness modifications. Be sure to stay in contact with your AdvoCare coach to help with any questions you may have

